Welcome to the Coward’s Garden

The Coward’s rambling can be accessed in a more systematically as per the following list. Will be updated regularly… hopefully.

1) Housekeeping and Announcements:

Preamble: A Garden in the Twilight: Where it all begins.

On Scheduling And Other Things

Merry Christmas And A Happy… Schedule Slippage? For Christmas 2014

It Lives! Mid-January 2015

The Disappearance of the Coward. Mid-March 2015

2) The Children of Zero:

The bread-and-butter of the Coward’s body of works available online. I realize I’m not going to come anywhere close to publishable material any time soon (or even close to the kind of web originals that drive Spacebattles crazy like, for instance, Wildbow) so I have two requests when it comes to perusing this ‘work’ of mine:

Request #1: If you like it, let me know. If you don’t like it, let me know too. This is second-draft quality and I know it.

Request #2: As a result of what I get from people observing Rule #1, the content of everything and anything may change without notice. Up to and including character names.

Project Statement

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

3) The Pilgrimage Series

Where essays about what I have been taking a liking to (Present Perfect Continuous tense is there for a reason) lie.

Megaman Pilgrimage: A Preamble

Megaman Pilgrimage: The Reploid Zombie Apocalypse: My most popular article thus far. Possibly because there’s zombies in it. And we all know peeps love their zombies.

Star Wars Pilgrimage: “Are Jedi Evil?” – A Critique of the Fan Approach to the Jedi Order

4) Other Ramblings

Where the rest of my thoughts flow. Much less controlled or nuanced than everything else, although I try not to offend anyone.

Rant of the Day: In Which The Coward Disagrees With His Work

Thoughts on the Sydney Siege (Of December 2014)

On Sporking (And Related Writerly Insecurities): Possibly my second most popular article. Possibly because there’s sporking in it.

Teenage Heroes – Yay or Nay?

Rant of the day: In Which The Coward Complains About The Lack Of Good Female Characters

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